
8 Rules of Seamless Teams

Why are teams crucial to organisational success? Because they are the basic unit of performance.

An old African proverb says, “If you want to go quickly, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” Here are eight lessons on how to go together by managing seamless teams.

Rule №1. Know where you’re going

To come together around a purpose, your team needs direction. This has to be the real deal. Nothing fake! They will know if it’s not the truth.

Rule №2. Pick right

A team needs to be greater than the sum of its parts. That means it needs the right parts. Adhere to the proper knowledge, capability, personality, diversity, and expertise.

Every individual is there for a reason. If you have time, test the team’s compatibility, like the chef samples their creation with a small spoon before serving it to the guests. A minor crisis is the best stress test!

Rule №3. Trust is essential

The team needs to believe you have their back. If something fails, it’s your failure, not the group’s. You’re not there to scrutinise and punish. You are there to support and encourage. When people feel safe, they perform far beyond expectations.

Rule №4. Schedule social time

On the Arctic expeditions, famous explorer teams came together because they spent time in tents sharing stories and giving feedback.

The same is at the office. Make sure your team gets time to vent and bond. Collaboration is enhanced by simple things, like morning coffee, storytime, and group exercises.

Rule №5. Simplify everything

Organisations love rules, procedures, and formalities. Cut it all out!

Make processes ridiculously simple. Make meetings, information sharing, and decision-making ridiculously simple. Remove all the barriers and obliterate the hierarchy.

Rule №6. Peers teach best

The leader is the source of all wisdom, education, and training. On a seamless team, that kind of insight comes from everyone on the team.

It’s about peers helping peers. It’s called peer mentoring, which is more helpful and timely than formal coaching or rigid performance appraisals.

Rule №7. Playtime is important

Creativity, problem-solving, and innovation don’t happen in cubicles or from 9-5. To think laterally and generate new ideas and solutions, your team needs time to let loose and have fun like kids. They need to laugh and try out new things.

Rule №8. Know when to party

The work you’re doing is hard. It’s easy to take success for granted by quickly turning to the next challenge. Please don’t do it; pause. Take time to celebrate wins, both big and small victories. Your team needs it to recharge and build collective memories, friendships, and culture.

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